Choose Regions, Qualities, and Types of Beans, Raw or Roasted, by Farm and Field!

Choose your coffee from the 8 core regions of the Colombian agriculture. Single Origin Coffees come from these 8 regions and taste is tremendously different between each.

Our default coffee comes from Santander near CC’s HQ and coffee hotel base, or we grow the coffee in 2-3 farms in each of these regions, and export roasted or unroasted to our partners, customers, and distributors. Choose below:

Coffees of Colombia Environmental and Social Responsibility.

Our coffee is produced on farms that appreciate and practice environmental and social responsibility. Farms that apply good agricultural practices and coffee production processes established by the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia guarantee the recognized quality of Colombian coffee, as the best soft coffee in the world.

The farms are also checked to continually be under the care of forest reserves that protect several water sources. The federation also guarantees that all the people involved in the production process are duly protected and receive a fair trade price and legal payment.

The Coffee Hotel also operates under sustainable production standards, making Good use of wáter resources (Water treatment plant), proper disposal of waste, and ecological trails are designed so as not to affect the fauna and flora of the área nor to destroy wáter sources.